Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Let's Study English League

caugt : ditangkap
destruction : kerusakan
hunting : perburuan
increase : meningkat
loss : hilang
number : jumlah
shot : ditembak
sold : dijual

study the following explanation
in the dialogue between Sanusi and Tora you hear the following expression:
* Oh, I see.
* Really ?
* Mmm ..

we usually add an/s/ at the end of a word to tell that the word is plural. The/s/ for plural can be pronounced in everal ways. the are :
1. /z/ as in rhinos, males, animals, hills, etc.
2. /-z/ as in bushes, brushes, pushes, wishes, etc.
3. /-ziz/ as in causes, closes, loses, horses, etc.
4. /-siz/ as in grasses, produces, etc.